Creating a Link Analysis
Link analysis is a simple technique used in intelligence analysis to demonstrate the connections or relationships between people. It is commonly used in social science research, criminal investigations and national security.
The first step to link analysis is to collect the data, and decide on a coding scheme. An example coding scheme modified from one in Criminal Intelligence for Analysts is provided below:
Once you’ve collected the data, the next step is to build an association chart. This chart plots the interactions in a more preliminary format as a prerequisite to the link analysis chart. An example is below:
Drawing a preliminary chart yields the following:
Other techniques can be used to create more advanced link charts, as such:
Additional Reading
For more additional reading, see the following resources:
- An Introduction to Intelligence Analysis and Research, Jerome Clauser
- Criminal Intelligence for Analysts, United Nations Office on Drug and Crime
- Intelligence Analysis – TC 2-33.4, US Army
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