Suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention consist of the activities that are done to prevent individuals from getting suicidal (or alternately, prevent them from attempting or dying by suicide), to intervene with individuals who have become suicidal and to help those left behind after a suicide death (suicide loss survivors.)
Below you can read my articles on this subject:
Table of Contents
Basic Information about Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention
- Basic Crisis Intervention Skills
- Common Suicide Myths
- Canadian Suicide Statistics 2016
- Crisis Case Handling
- Crisis Theory and Types of Crisis
- Coping Strategies in Crisis Intervention
- Identifying Suicide Lethality
- My Friend Is Suicidal – What Do I Do?
- Suicide Awareness Presentation
- Suicide Facts and Figures for Presentations
- Suicide Risk Factors, Warning Signs and Protective Factors
Models of Suicide / Crisis Intervention
- ABC Model of Crisis Intervention
- Biopsychosocial Model of Suicidal Behaviour
- CPR Model of Suicide Risk Assessment
- Golan Model of Crisis Intervention
- LAPC Model of Crisis Intervention
- PREPaRE Model for School Crisis Intervention
- SIMPLE STEPS Model for Suicide Risk Assessment
- The Six Step Model of Crisis Intervention
Suicide Prevention with Specific Populations
- Assessing Suicide Risk in Nursing
- Clinical and Legal Aspects of Suicidal Children and Youth
- Law Enforcement Suicide Prevention
- Providing Emotional Support Over Text and Chat
- Risk Factors Predicting Youth Suicide Attempts
- Suicide in Hospitals and Inpatients
- Suicide Prevention in the US Military
- Understanding and Preventing Male Suicide
- Youth Suicide Prevention with Kiwanis
Suicide Risk Assessment / Rating Scales
- Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS)
- Crisis Call Outcome Form
- Crisis Triage Rating Scale (CTRS)
- DCIB Suicide Risk Assessment
- Developing Core Competencies for Suicide Risk Assessment
- Documenting a Suicide Risk Assessment
- ED-SAFE Suicide Screening Tool
- Evaluating a Samaritans Suicide Risk Assessment
- Is the SAD PERSONS Scale dangerous?
- Recognizing Suicide Lethality (RSL) Scale
- Review of Suicide Risk Assessment Applications
- SAFE-T Tool for Suicide Risk Assessment
- Suicide Intervention Response Inventory (SIRI)
- The Nurses’ Global Assessment of Suicide Risk (NGASR)
- The Suicidal Affect-Behavior-Cognition Scale (SABCS)
- Jail Suicide Assessment Tool (JSAT)
Other Topics in Suicide Prevention
- @RealTimeCrisis, Tweeting those in distress
- Best Practices in Suicide Postvention
- Building a Suicide Prevention Group
- Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM)
- Designing Safety Plans with Suicidal Individuals
- How to Respond to Suicide Threats on Social Media
- Interprofessional Education in Suicide Prevention
- Means Restriction in Suicide Prevention
- Online Counselling and Suicide Intervention Specialist (OCSIS) Review
- On One Man’s Reason for Suicide
- Review of LivingWorks suicideCare Seminar
- Suicide and Religion
- Suicide to Hope Workshop Review
- What is Nu-Rekall Mind Science?
Crisis Line Management or Volunteering
- Active Listening on Crisis Lines
- Advanced Crisis Line Training
- Crisis Hotline Certification
- Developing a Risk Management Program for Your Helpline
- Empathy Statements in Helpline Work
- Improving Your Helpline Work
- Interviewing on a Suicide Hotline
- Keeping Your Helpline Workers On Task
- Methods of Evaluating Helplines and Hotlines
- Preventing Burnout on Crisis Lines
- Professional Development for Helpline Workers
- Setting Limits and Boundaries with Callers
- Starting a Crisis Line or Hotline
- Ultimate Guide to Starting a Crisis Line
- What Makes a Good Crisis Line Volunteer