Table of Contents
If you operate a crisis line, are interested in starting a crisis line, or are interested in volunteering for one, the following resources are available below. Although all copyright is reserved, these resources may be used without compensation but I ask that you link back to them, and properly source them.
Attitudinal Outcomes
The American Association of Suicidology Crisis Center Certification identifies these attitudinal outcomes that individuals should experience by the conclusion of training:
Acceptance of persons different from oneself, and a non-judgmental response toward sensitive issues (e.g. not discussing suicidal ideation or abortion with a client in terms of its moral rightness or wrongness)
Balanced and realistic attitude toward self in the helper role (e.g. not expecting to “save” all potential suicides by one’s own single effort, or to solve all the problems of the distressed person)
A realistic and humane approach to death, dying, self-destructive behavior and other human issues
Coming to terms with one’s own feelings about death and dying insofar as these feelings might deter one from helping others.
Volunteer Screening and Recruitment
Active Listening and Emotional Support
- Active Listening on Crisis Lines
- Curvilinear Model of Anxiety
- Empathy Statements in Helpline Work
- Building Communication Skills
- Building Your Support Network
Crisis Theory and Principles of Crisis Management
Basic Suicidology
- Common Suicide Myths
- Identifying Suicide Lethality
- Suicide Risk Factors, Warning Signs and Protective Factors
- CPR Model of Suicide Risk Assessment (a simple model)
- DCIB Suicide Risk Assessment (an advanced model)
- Designing Safety Plans with Suicidal Individuals
- Documenting a Suicide Risk Assessment