Introduction Military operations require extensive intelligence support in order to be effective. In the past, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB; US Army, 1994) was the most common intelligence tool used to gain an understanding of the landscape. Given that IPB is most effective with a conventional warfare and the previous generation of military doctrine…
Tag: intelligence analysis
Intelligence in Combating Terrorism (ICT)
Introduction Intelligence in Combating Terorrism (ICT), also known by its course identifier 3C-F14/244-F8, is a course produced by the US Army Intelligence Center and School located at Fort Huachuca, AZ. (US Army Intelligence School, n.d.) It is a ten unit course that aims to teach the basics of how to leverage intelligence to understand and…
How to Conduct a CBRN Vulnerability Analysis
Introduction The following materials comes from IT-031-504-4086 “Prepare a CBRN Vulnerability Analysis” (2014), prepared by the US Army. It details the steps to assess and score unit vulnerability to chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) threats. The Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Manual (ATTP) 3-11.36 provides more information than the summary below to help you…
Flow Analysis
Activity flow analysis is used to “provide a generic view of a set of criminal actions, or modus operandi to determine what the key actions were and provide an overview of a crime.” (UNODC, 2011, p. 97) Activity flow analysis requires examining a crime for the specific elements required for that crime, and then looking…
Association Analysis
Creating an association matrix forms the basis for many other techniques covered in this course, including link charting. Association matrix, as the name may suggest, involves plotting out the associations or connections between entities. These entities can be individuals, organizations, loose-knit groups (such as Anonymous, or ISIS) or other communities. The purpose of the association…