Table of Contents
ATP3-07-6 Protection of Civilians is a US Army manual designed to help leaders reduce the impact of military operations on non-combatants. As they define it, “protection of civilians refers to efforts that reduce civilian risks from physical violence, secure their rights to essential services and resources, and contribute to a secure, stable, and just environment for civilians over the long-term.”
This manual has little bearing on individuals or groups in the US attempting to build their self-defense skills, but some notes below may be useful to some of you.
Protection of Civilians During Military Operations
- Civilians are vulnerable to the direct effects of combat operations and the indirect effects of having their lifestyles, livelihoods, and infrastructure disrupted
- Protection of civilians may be a consideration of a military operation or the underlying goal
- Mass Atrocity Response Operations (MARO) are those to defend civilians against specific targeting of civilians
- Insurgents may use civilians as shields or blend in with them during irregular warfare
- Most peace operations include mandates to protect civilians
Civilian Risks
Civilians face a variety of risks including collateral damage from armed conflict, deliberate targeting from terrorist attacks or mass atrocities, conflict-related sexual violence, and others. Army units must understand the relevant political,
military, economic, social, information, infrastructure, physical environment, and time (PMESII-PT) considerations
Operational Environment
- Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) can help a commander make plans that include protection of civilians
- Civilian casualties undermine support for the military operation
- Social factors including religion, demographics, culture, gender, etc., may affect civilian risks (especially sectarian violence based on religious or ethnic grounds)
- Information will be used as a weapon by insurgents
- Infrastructure is often targeted (bridges, etc.) which can place civilians at risk
- Accurate intelligence is key for the protection of civilians
- Civilians will provide intelligence freely when they when they can do so safely and if it enhances their security
- Host-nation government officials, security forces, local leaders, and non-governmental individuals can be useful sources of information about civilians
MARO Plans
A mass-atrocity response operation plan will normally contain these 7 elements:
- Area security
- Shape-clear-hold-build
- Separation
- Safe areas
- Partner enabling
- Containment
- Defeat perpetrators
During training and exercises, commanders avoid focusing exclusively on fighting a hostile adversary. This could reinforce a shoot-first mentality.
Cultural Awareness
Cultural awareness training should address issues like:
- The forms of violence anticipated in an area of operations (blood feuds, sexual violence, ethnic conflict, or suicide attacks)
- Likelihood that civilians carry weapons
- Level of host-nation rule of law
- Whether host-nation government/security forces target civilians deliberately
- Local customs, particularly those that are relevant for protection of civilians
Engagement with Leaders
- Engagements with key leaders and the population are important ways to coordinate with other actors and to support the protection of civilians
- Engagements with adversaries may at times be appropriate to reduce civilian risks
- An emphasis on civilian casualty mitigation is critical
Mission Variables
- Mission
- Enemy
- Terrain and Weather
- Troops and support Available,
Time Available - Civil Considerations
Escalation of Force
- Escalation of force is a process by which forces can escalate from military presence to nonlethal or lethal uses of force, with the goal of using minimal force to deal with the situation
- Escalation of force stages can include:
- Verbal or visual warnings
- Demonstrations
- Nonlethal force
- Warning shots
- Disabling force
- Lethal force
- Warnings can be conveyed by voice, signs, hand and arm signals, or using other visual means such as laser dazzlers or pyrotechnics
ATP3-07-6 Protection of Civilians. (2015) US Army.