A very common need that you can use Salesforce Flow is to auto-name records after they are created. For example, perhaps you wish for them to all follow a consistent format and you don’t want to force users to enter that.
You can use a Record-Triggered Flow. Here are the settings:
Flow Criteria
Trigger the Flow When: A record is created
If the data exists on the same object, you can use a Fast Field Updates flow. If you need to pull in data for others, use an Actions and Related Records.
Add an Update element flow with the following properties:
How to Find Records to Update and Set Their Values: Use the record that triggered the flow
Set Filter Conditions: None—Always Update Record
For setting the specific field you need, you can use multiple fields. For example, the below renames a Client Note record to the client’s first and last name plus today’s date.
{!$Record.caseman__Client__r.FirstName} {!$Record.caseman__Client__r.LastName} {!$Flow.CurrentDate}
If you need to auto-name records, try out this flow and let me know your thoughts.