Below is a set of values. You can use these to help your organization choose the values that are most important to them as you begin your organizational planning.
Accountability | Achievement | Adventure |
Assertiveness | Authority | Autonomy |
Bearing | Boldness | Bravery |
Charity | Commitment | Community |
Compassion | Competence | Confidence |
Coolness | Courage | Creativity |
Decisiveness | Determination | Discipline |
Duty | Empathy | Endurance |
Fairness | Faith | Flexibility |
Happiness | Health | Honor |
Humility | Improvement | Initiative |
Integrity | Intelligence | Justice |
Knowledge | Leadership | Liberty |
Logic | Loyalty | Maturity |
Order | Peace | Persistence |
Personal Courage | Pride | Professionalism |
Respect | Responsibility | Restraint |
Security | Selfless Service | Service |
Stability | Status | Strength |
Support | Tact | Teamwork |
Tolerance | Toughness | Traditional |
Trust | Understanding | Valor |